Go to Socomec US website now or continue your visit on our Global website by clicking anywhere. In addition to its control and monitoring potential, the NET VISION interface is capable of providing a high level of protection for UPS-powered servers; under critical conditions, for example, up to UPS-powered devices can be shut down in an ordered and controlled sequence, guaranteeing data integrity. It enables quick and easy customisation of the unit parameters. Thank you for visiting our website. Socomec US website contains the lastest information about our products, services and events dedicated to the US market. Home Contact us FAQ By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to the use of cookies to help us offer you content suited to your interests and for drawing up browsing statistics. socomec localview

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Go to Socomec US website now. In addition to its control and monitoring potential, the NET VISION interface is capable of providing a high level of protection for UPS-powered servers; under critical conditions, for example, up to UPS-powered devices can be shut down in an ordered and controlled licalview, guaranteeing data integrity.

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Home Contact us FAQ By continuing to browse this site you are agreeing to the use of cookies to help us offer you content suited to your interests and for drawing up browsing statistics. Remote shutdown is guaranteed by a shutdown client, which must be installed on all slcomec requiring an automatic shutdown capability.

socomec localview

Net Vision clients are native for certain operating systems, or alternatively, the universal JNC shutdown client can be used. Thank you for visiting our website. Simple, immediately user friendly and available in various languages, the software provides clear, detailed and instant information on UPS status, making it suitable even for users with minimal expertise.

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Shutdown clients for remote servers on Local Area Network If a central UPS system is being used to supply power to several computers, data protection for all of the connected devices must be guaranteed in the event of the UPS becoming exposed to critical conditions, such as near-total battery discharge during a prolonged power cut.

Go to Socomec US website now or continue your visit on our Global website by clicking anywhere. Download software and documentation.

Local View can be updated via the Internet, ensuring the very latest functionality is available and provide the maximum level of protection for computers, workstations and servers. The ideal point-to-point software for UPS monitoring and localiew of Windows, Linux and MAC OS X operating systems Local View is a software program for managing and monitoring UPS units via USB or RS is the soocmec port, which will automatically shut down systems in the event of prolonged power outages, thereby preventing loss of data and damage to the system in situations where the computer is not supervised by an operator at the actual moment of the power failure.

It enables quick and easy customisation of the unit parameters. In addition to its control and monitoring potential, the RT VISION interface is capable of providing a locqlview level of protection for UPS-powered servers; under critical conditions, for example, up to 40 UPS-powered devices can be shut down in an ordered and controlled sequence,o guaranteeing data integrity.

socomec localview

Socomec US website contains the lastest information about our socomfc, services and events dedicated to the US market. Shutdown SW agent Shutdown clients for remote servers on Local Area Network If a central UPS system is being used to supply power to several computers, data protection for all of the connected devices must be guaranteed in the localvisw of the UPS becoming exposed to critical conditions, such as near-total battery discharge during a prolonged power cut.

UPS Monitoring SW The ideal point-to-point software for UPS monitoring and shutdown of Windows, Linux and MAC OS X operating systems Local View is a software program for managing and monitoring UPS units via USB or RS is the serial port, which will automatically shut down systems in the event of prolonged power outages, thereby preventing loss of data and damage to the system in situations where the computer is not loccalview by an operator at the actual moment of the power failure.

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socomec localview


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