Inside an information out bursting society, where the dimension of changing remains unprecedented during the history, we have chosen the transdisciplinary perspective for education. Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. Targul din Vale, no. The groups that reached to a decision unanimously chose the five people on the following bases:. All the reasons that were involved represent prejudices against a certain profession, religious belief or sexual orientation. Your list has reached the maximum number of items. comoara launtrica

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comoara launtrica

Depending on these individual in interaction with the stranger may have a complex set of reactions such as cognitive, emotional, behavioral. Second year of study: For a good teaching benefit the teacher should have confidence in himself and in his lwuntrica competences, to master the solutions for solving critical, tensioned situations so that he can be able to manage typical situations and to develop situations for the unusual ones, to master ways of personal methods of personal recognition- all these and many more identified are indispensable to the teacher's work, where comooara human subjective side should be known and mastered.

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Here are the ten people: The name field is required. The ability to communicate derives from the science of decoding supra-segmental features of verbal language, reporting to the context of issuing the message itself.

Comoara launtrica : raportul catre UNESCO al Comisiei Internationale pentru Educatie in secolul XXI

The interest in the pedagogy of diversity is justified by the following aspects: They identified formative effects of attending an intercultural education course such as: This was meant to be a School of Reform for a college which prepares future young innovative school-masters and teachers; a college of cutting-edge didactics, active learning and transdisciplinarity. Intercultural education dimension of education today The idea of "education for all" - or, better said, education tailored to the needs of each commoara - asks the teacher the ability to adapt to diversity of the students, to support its acquisitions, the motivation to achieve higher performance and develop the capacity of continuous education Danescu E.

The guest of the Transdisciplinary Schools, Basarab Nicolescu, present, but only through his works 5has launched new topics of discussion such as: The test and the instructions received by each group were as follows: The general tendency in making an option is towards better known, more familiar things, that people have more information on.

Your rating has been recorded. Globalization attracts, as Barzea shows, the need to redefine the concepts of citizenship, democracy, cultural identity Barzea, In a document of the Council of Europe it is specified: The values that are derived from intercultural education tolerance, opening, acceptance of differences, understanding diversity are built within the personalities of the educated ones through sustained efforts.

We chose highschool students as our subjects and we divided them into five-member groups. The E-mail Address es you entered is are not in a valid format. Noi, particula si lumeaIasi: We consider that the component elements of the training program for students places on a first place Intercultural education among the optional disciplines, in order to answer efficiently to the necessity of socio-economical and cultural-spiritual insertion of young people, to function in their cultural community and outside their cultural frontiers.

User agreement Privacy policy. Teachers are perhaps the most important partners in reforming the education system, so it is important that the teacher training system to meet these launtfica developments in the curriculum.

Mircea Bertea : Transdisciplinarity experiments in Romania

Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. The Romanian school is trying to achieve the intercultural competences both in a direct way the social - humanities subjects and indirectly the others subjects.

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They can suffer failure if the school they attend to do not emphasize their talents and ambitions" Cozma T. Revista de Pedagogie, 1 -6, First year of study: Write a review Rate this item: Basic concepts in intercultural communication.

Madalina Kit | University of Bucharest -

Without denying the importance of other forms of education in training intercultural competences the media, museums, trips to other countries etc. It is not a coincidence that one of the pillars of education today is learning to live together with others Delors, One hundred students attended the course of intercultural education and filled out a questionnaire regarding psychosocial attitudes or behaviours. Therefore, the teachers must have intercultural skills and a clear system of values because the teachers cannot promote positive attitudes for diversity, and cannot impose acceptance and tolerance if they do not join their students in the learning experience.

The test and the instructions received by each group were as follows:. Education for free time, Educating creativity, Intercultural education, Education for pupils with special needs, Mass-media education In order to form intercultural competences in pupils, teachers should posses these competences.


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